Don't Flush Cat Poop Down Your Toilet - Maintain Your House's Pipe System

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How to Dispose of Cat Poop and Litter Without Plastic Bags


As pet cat owners, it's necessary to bear in mind how we get rid of our feline close friends' waste. While it may seem hassle-free to purge cat poop down the bathroom, this method can have destructive consequences for both the atmosphere and human health and wellness.

Alternatives to Flushing

The good news is, there are safer and much more accountable methods to dispose of cat poop. Consider the complying with options:

1. Scoop and Dispose in Trash

The most typical approach of disposing of pet cat poop is to scoop it into a biodegradable bag and toss it in the garbage. Make certain to make use of a dedicated litter scoop and deal with the waste quickly.

2. Use Biodegradable Litter

Choose biodegradable feline trash made from materials such as corn or wheat. These trashes are eco-friendly and can be securely thrown away in the trash.

3. Bury in the Yard

If you have a yard, consider hiding pet cat waste in a marked area away from vegetable gardens and water resources. Make certain to dig deep adequate to stop contamination of groundwater.

4. Set Up a Pet Waste Disposal System

Purchase an animal garbage disposal system particularly created for feline waste. These systems use enzymes to break down the waste, lowering odor and environmental impact.

Wellness Risks

Along with environmental issues, flushing feline waste can likewise present wellness dangers to humans. Feline feces may have Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite that can cause toxoplasmosis-- a potentially severe health problem, particularly for expecting ladies and individuals with weakened immune systems.

Ecological Impact

Flushing pet cat poop introduces harmful microorganisms and parasites into the supply of water, presenting a substantial risk to marine communities. These contaminants can negatively influence marine life and compromise water top quality.


Liable pet possession prolongs past offering food and shelter-- it additionally entails correct waste management. By refraining from purging feline poop down the commode and going with different disposal techniques, we can lessen our ecological impact and safeguard human health.

Why You Should NEVER Flush Cat Poop (and/or Litter) Down Your Toilet

The Problem with Litter

The main function of litter is to solidify and adhere to your cat’s waste. While this makes litter excellent for collecting cat poop and urine, it’s also the exact property that makes it a nightmare when flushed down the toilet.

Cat litter can and will clog pipes. There is non-clumping litter, but it’s still quite heavy and can build up in pipes. This is true even of supposed “flushable litter.”

The problems only compound when the litter is already clumped into cat waste. Toilet paper is among the more flushable things, and even too much of that will clog a toilet.

The Problem with Cat Poop

Sewers and septic systems are designed with human waste in mind. The microbes that help break down human waste don’t work on cat waste. Additionally, cat poop plays host to the parasite Toxoplasma gondii.

When flushed, this parasite can enter the environment in places it was never meant to, posing a risk to pregnant women, their unborn children, and other people with compromised immune systems. While it might not seem possible, flushing cat poop can indeed introduce this parasite to the public water supply.

These reasons are why, even if you’ve trained your cat to go on the toilet and flush, which is possible, it’s still not a good idea. Also, pregnant women and the immunocompromised shouldn’t change litter, either.

How to Handle Litter

The best way to handle litter is to simply put it in a plastic bag and place it in the trash. Avoiding environmental risks and possible plumbing damage is worth the extra effort.

You can also invest in devices that seal away your cat’s waste in a separate compartment, so you don’t have to change the litter nearly as often. They’re also safer for pet owners because they limit the possibility of Toxoplasma gondii exposure.

Disposing of litter the old-fashioned way will ensure you won’t have to worry about any issues that flushing the waste can potentially cause.

Take Care of Clogged Pipes with Stephens Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning

The reasons you should never flush cat poop down your toilet are numerous, but sometimes the inevitable happens despite your best efforts.

Stephens Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning is ready to help if you’re experiencing litter-blocked plumbing. Whether you need us in an emergency or want to schedule regular maintenance, we’re here for you.

Can You Flush Cat Poo or Litter Down the Toilet?

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